Lewisham Local
Lewisham Local

A-Z of Covid-19 related support services


Donors, grants and funders: a comprehensive list of grant-givers for vulnerable people across the UK

Entitledto: see what help is available from benefits if you are affected by coronavirus

Turn2Us : benefits and Coronavirus

Disability Benefits: claimants on disability benefits will no longer be required to attend face-to-face assessments

Employment & Support Allowance

Universal Credit

To claim Universal Credit


Businesses, Freelancers and Self-employed

Comprehensive Fact sheet for Businesses

Government Business Advice

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme : a guide for employers. includes information relating to people on zero hours contracts

Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme

Federation of Small Businesses

HMRC Tax helpline to support businesses

Self-employed individuals

Self-employed and Freelancers advice with IPSE (Association of Independent Professionals and the Self Employed)

Royal Mail


Education and Children

Children’s educational resources : the UCL have compiled a list of resources helpful to teachers, school leaders, parents/carers and young people

Children’s commissioner

Guidance for schools, childcare providers, colleges and local authorities in England on maintaining educational provision

The Open University




ACAS employment advice : Helpline 0300 123 1100.

Competitions and Markets Authority : report concerns about business practices, including shops raising prices

Lay-offs and short-time working

Unite the Union

Government Advice and Insights

Official Guidance

House of Commons Library Covid19

Cabinet Office updates

Health and Well-being

Extremely vulnerable person

NHS advice

Age UK

Asthma UK


Cancer Research

Diabetes UK



Anxiety UK

Home Owners, Landlords and Renters

HomeOwners Alliance : buying and selling a home during the coronavirus lockdown?

Residential Landlords Association : what landlords need to know

Evictions and tenant’s rights

Lewisham Community Support

Lewisham Council

Lewisham Local

Foodbanks and other local organisations




Make a Difference Hardship Fund

Citizens Advice

Money saving expert


For individual supermarket guidance, see here:







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