A-Z of Covid-19 related support services
Donors, grants and funders: a comprehensive list of grant-givers for vulnerable people across the UK
Entitledto: see what help is available from benefits if you are affected by coronavirus
Turn2Us : benefits and Coronavirus
Disability Benefits: claimants on disability benefits will no longer be required to attend face-to-face assessments
Employment & Support Allowance
Businesses, Freelancers and Self-employed
Comprehensive Fact sheet for Businesses
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme : a guide for employers. includes information relating to people on zero hours contracts
Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme
Federation of Small Businesses
HMRC Tax helpline to support businesses
Education and Children
Children’s educational resources : the UCL have compiled a list of resources helpful to teachers, school leaders, parents/carers and young people
Guidance for schools, childcare providers, colleges and local authorities in England on maintaining educational provision
ACAS employment advice : Helpline 0300 123 1100.
Competitions and Markets Authority : report concerns about business practices, including shops raising prices
Lay-offs and short-time working
Government Advice and Insights
House of Commons Library Covid19
Health and Well-being
Home Owners, Landlords and Renters
HomeOwners Alliance : buying and selling a home during the coronavirus lockdown?
Residential Landlords Association : what landlords need to know
Lewisham Community Support
Foodbanks and other local organisations
Make a Difference Hardship Fund
For individual supermarket guidance, see here: